The Nordic Harp Meeting 2019 was held from 24 – 27 October in Gjøvik, Oppland, Norway (click here for a map).
Contributing musicians:
Erik Ask-Upmark, Stefan Battige, Turid Berge Endrerud, Ove Berg, Josef Berger, Heather Downie, Helka & Yrjänä Ermala, Rebecca Harrison, Hatao & Nami, Tone Hulbækmo, Elisabeth Kværne, Andy Lowings, Václava van der Meijs, Anita Wizina Nielsen, Kaisa Nõges, Maria Ojantakanen, Anouk Platenkamp, Gøril Ramo Håve, Tim Rohrmann, Henrik Hummel Schön, Monica Schön, Marit Steinsrud, Polina Sharonova & Sergej Azarov, Stein Villa, Angela Westphal, Helena Wright.
The official programme can be downloaded here; it included workshops and lectures, evening concerts, allspel and dancing.
The Nordic Harp Meeting 2019 was arranged by Gjøvik spelmannslag and Tradisjonsmusikkarkivet Mjøsmuseet in cooperation with Camac Harps France and with financial support from the Nordic Culture Point.