Thilo Viehrig at the NHM 2010 (foto FvdM)
Thilo Viehrig studied instrument building in East Germany and is specialised on the performance practice and reconstruction of historical instruments.
At the NHM 2014 in Gjøvik, Thilo will join a panel discussion with other instrument makers “Reconstruction and/or repair of old instruments”, dealing with such questions as When does a repair become a falsification? How much is destroyed during a restoration? When is it more sensible to build a reconstruction rather than repair an old instrument?
Click here to read about Nancy and Thilo at the Nordic Harp Meeting 2012 in Jyväskylä
Click here to read about Nancy and Thilo at the Nordic Harp Meeting 2011 in Broby
Click here to read about Nancy and Thilo at the Nordic Harp Meeting 2010 in Gjøvik