Workshop: Singing and playing plucked drones
In this workshop we will look at how to sing well while accompanying oneself. This is easier said than done on a harp – especially if you are a decent harp player and you tend to make elaborate accompaniments. Therefore, we will concentrate on beautiful, simple songs that lend themselves to drone accompaniment and explore how to play different kinds of drones on the harp or lyre. There will be focus on things like bodily posture, coordination and focus of attention. All levels and instruments are welcome!

Miriam Andersén är en svensk sångerska, harpist och riksspelman, som specialiserat sig på medeltidsmusik och svensk folkmusik. Efter studierna på Schola Cantorum Basiliensis har hon turnerat jorden runt i mer än tjugo år och uppträtt på allt från Bingsjöstämman till Carnegie Hall. Hon har spelat in tjugofem CD-skivor med bl.a. Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Ferrara Ensemble, Sarband, Belladonna, Alba, Esk, The Early Folk Band, Leones och Theatre of Voices, och vunnit flera internationella priser såsom Grammy Award, Globale Ruth och Diapason d’Or. Förutom TV-produktioner har hon medverkat i teater- och cirkusföreställningar (Maxim Gorki Theater, Archaos m.fl) och dansproduktioner med några av de främsta danskompanierna och koreograferna av idag (Cherkaoui, Jalet, GöteborgsOperans danskompani, Eastman, m.fl.). Dessutom har hon uruppfört verk av David Lang, Sven-Erik Werner och Szymon Brzóska. Miriam har hållit sång- och harpkurser på bl a Þjóðlagahátíðin (Island), Festival junge Künstler Bayreuth, Sackpfeifertage in Schwäbisch Hall och Festival im Gothischen Haus (Tyskland).
Miriam Andersén is a Swedish singer, harper and riksspelman, who has specialized in Medieval music and Swedish folk music. After completing her studies at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis she has toured the world for over twenty years, performing in venues ranging from Rudolstadt to Carnegie Hall. She has recorded twenty-five CDs with, a.o., Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Ferrara Ensemble, Sarband, Belladonna, Alba, Esk, The Early Folk Band, Leones and Theatre of Voices, and received several awards such as Grammy Award, Globale Ruth and Diapason d’Or. Apart from TV-productions, she has been part of theater and circus productions (Maxim Gorki Theater, Archaos a.o.) and dance creations with some of the leading choreographers and companies of today (Cherkaoui, Jalet, GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, Eastman a.o.). Furthermore, she has done first performances of works by David Lang, Sven-Erik Werner and Szymon Brzóska. Miriam has held singing and harp workshops at Þjóðlagahátíðin (Iceland), Festival junge Kunstler Bayreuth, Sackpfeifertage in Schwäbisch Hall and Festival im Gothischen Haus (Germany).