At previous Nordic Harp Meetings, she was teaching several workshops, including
Hiiu kannel (talharpa, jouhikko, bowed lyre)
This workshop focuses on an old recorded Estonian tune: Vormsi labajalg (Ormsö leik) played on talharpa by Hans Renqvist. Labajalg is the most ancient Estonian folk dance, a flat-footed, non-bouncing waltz step in wich the dancer never rises on the toes. Participants who don’t have a hiiu kannel, can learn tunes on their own instruments as well.
Estonian traditional singing games
Until the end of 19th century, singing games were the prevalent form of entertainment for Estonian peasantry. Older games (round games) with runo songs (lead singer’s tune is constantly repeated by other singers) give participants the opportunity to sing in Estonian language. Lots of fun guaranteed!