Allspel tunes from Norway (updated in September 2019).
We have tried to adjust the sheet music to the keys in which we use to play the tunes, added some easy chords and in some cases also lyrics, and provide a recording of each tune (played in a slow practice tempo on the harp):
1. Halling etter Amalie Hasvoldseter
A traditional langeleik tune from Vardal near Gjøvik.
2. Dalalåttn
Reinlender etter Jørgen i Dale.
3. Kom Katt Fregatt
A song with a nice interlude.
4. Sporren sat i lyudør
5. Halling fra Senja
A halling from the island of Senja, Northern Norway.
6. På snei
This old reinlender from Vingelen in Østerdalen was originally a willow pipe tune which Tone Hulbækmo transferred to the Norwegian folk harp.
It is in Lydian mode, which sounds a little bit odd to modern ears, therefore she called it “På snei”.
7. Den underjordiske klippekonsert
The oldest documented Norwegian halling, published by Johann Mattheson in 1740 after “reliable witnesses” who told him that the tune was played by subterrestrial fairies in a mountain near Bergen in 1695.